
12月28日 ~ Rainy X'mas Party@Countryart 

雖然過左X'mas正日但我地一班人決定今年係Countryart個roof攪X'mas party...Bob Bob一家三口第一次見我班朋友仔有Icy,Hibe,Leo,Abby,Toby,Charco,Gasper大家都相處好融洽真係好啦...Bob Bob好主動撩Icy,Hibe,Charco,Gasper玩玩,佢好識就住我地d細狗玩...very good boy^^

亞Pat之前arrange reservation好多煩野,間餐廳覆電話好慢又多要求我地班狗狗no marking and keep tidy place...of course we can clean it by our own....我地呢班人好自律嫁...


好耐冇見Agnes & Che個mix仔仔Gabe,你真係好可愛時時笑人見人愛,做小朋友真開心簡單又易滿足...


8 則留言:

匿名 說...

Our Beautiful Auntie Pat

A ton of thanks to you for such an excellent arrangement. We had a good time with all of you. Although it was raining, we were still enjoy our gathering time.
It's nice to meet Bob, he is such a gentleman. Even Leo bark to him for a long time, he still act patient to Leo.
Mom & Dad like the food very much. We can have another function there sometimes later.
How's Darkgor? He has good mood now? Cheer up.
And thanks for your cutie X'mas present. We love them.

Abby & Leo

darkgor 說...

Abby & Leo,
No thanks to me I only shared part of my effort to let ppl happy...

I agreed with you Bob is a gentleman and nice to small and big dogs...

Yes we can go there in someday again ...view and food are nice there ...

Darkgor is still very cool this morning...don't know why???

匿名 說...

辛苦晒 !
我地一家多謝晒各位的禮物 , 不過唔好意思 , 我爸媽日日太忙唔記得安排大禮比大家 , 佢答應你地生日時補番份勁野比你地 wooo , 不過 ,,,,如果佢兩位人兄到時又忘記 , 麻煩你地抱我去你屋企做抵押品啦 !
hahahahah ,,,merry christmas !!!
ICY Or 柯冰小妹妹上

匿名 說...


darkgor 說...

ICY Or 柯冰小妹妹,
有super pretty Icy做抵押品..正呀@@

darkgor 說...


匿名 說...

demi demi 提到

o個日好多謝你帶我去e個Party到玩(Bob Bob又可以認識好多狗狗朋友), 我都o係第一次參加狗狗o既户外活動.......thks

同埋Bob Bob又收到好多x'mas gifts..... 真的要多謝佢地!!!!

P.S 你送比Bob Bob朵花花真係好靚...好靚, 你真o係用了很多心機, 我會好好珍!!惜......

darkgor 說...

Demi Demi,
Bob Bob咁乖...我地個個都好鐘意同佢玩...
下次再有function預埋Bob Bob...