另外Dee哥哥上星期提議年三十黎我地屋企Do節,所以Eva ee整豬手煲,敏e帶左伯母豉油雞同外賣紅腸,仲有光光愛心粉葛湯,抄蟹,鵝掌,鱔魚...同埋薑汁湯圓...一個字”正”呀...
唔該晒L&A一家按我地去Teddy cafe食tea set,不過坐outside都幾凍好彩有暖爐咋...另外貪佢有carpark方便泊架車係度,我地去花虛逛逛,不過冇咩睇行左二十分鐘返去我屋企Do節...
3 則留言:
Thank you very much for such a delicious big dinner. I hope we can taste your dessert next time.
& please accept Leo's apology for his bad manner.
Even the weather is cold but we feel warm in your home.
Darkgor, wish you a life of happiness.
Mr&Mrs Chan, wish u 2 wealthy & healthy forever.
Thanks for your best wishing...
I also wish you and your family a happiness and healthy in Ox year...
OKOK no problem next time let's cook a yummy dessert to you...
Thanks for your best wishing...
I also wish you and your family a happiness and healthy in Ox year...
OKOK no problem next time let's cook a yummy dessert to you...