
3月22日 ~ 短聚w/Hibe


我今日好好火,串爆全場撩事創非,睇隻隻狗都唔順眼,除左我個亞Be公主,其他都woo爆佢地,可能今日好焗熱...後尾比光光cool down我入返室內同亞Be涼冷氣

跟住去win street食個tea,Karen ee食唔切要趕住返工啦,Ivan哥哥同我地買完糧一齊返家lu!!!

8 則留言:

匿名 說...

白威王子你不嬲都好溫文爾雅架! 做乜咁好火呀! 係唔係因為天氣開始熱呢? 係呢, HIBE好怕凍咩, 點解咁熱仲要著衫? NICO

darkgor 說...


匿名 說...

Darkgor, 咁好火,因為愈來愈似我?

匿名 說...


darkgor 說...

Man 3,

darkgor 說...

咩你冇見過佢d衰野呀? 有機會比你見識一下啦...

匿名 說...

Hi, Darkgor. Firstly i tell you i can read and catch the meanings of chinese.How can I searching of your blog on internet because someday when i see a westie is walking in the street, he look like very cutie so i am starting to search above the westie blog at home that i find out Darkgor (02 FEB 09). In ShangHai having many different style of dog cafe, i go to there at once by my friend for look look the pets.Darkgor when you are running in the playground , i feel you are so happy . woooo good boy go ahead. Bye Toddy.

darkgor 說...

Have you read the past story in 2008 and 2007 of darkgor daily life?
If you are interesting you can click to read it. But the most important is not distrubing on your study...
I think in one day you can have your own westie dog....by that time please create your own blog and forward to me and I will leave message for supporting you, like you supporint me!!!!
Actually do you have any of your own blog?